Thursday 10 May 2012

A Restauranteur's Thoughts

Why am I running a restaurant?  Some new migrants and previous migrants might reply; 'Cos I have no choice'. This is not so in my case.  It was a 'pride, shame and disgust'.Shame because 'How can the cuisine of my ancestors be so badly represented in the UK?'. Disgust because 'How can anyone served such rubbish to another person? Is there no pride in themselves or in there culture?'  Then 'Pride'.  I am proud of my ancestry, my culture and who I am.  My cuisine is one of the way I expresss myself and one of the way I can promote my culture.  Yes, I have a passion.

My career started as a nurse, then a housewife, after that an accountant/financial management, then a quality facilitator.  So, why exchange a cushy life for a life of uncertainties and toil, working all hours of the daylight hours, including the early hours of the morining.  My sons informed me that I must enjoyed the work, because it is the hardest work going.  Someone yesterday declared that one must be a 'masochist' to be in the catering trade.  

To-date I have project managed four restaurants, some sucess and some failure, each project, unique with sharp learning curves.  Along the way, many misgivings, much tears, great heartaches and many tribulations.  However, the overwhelming feeling is one of great personal satisfaction.

I am new to this 'blogging game'.  When I was young, I wanted to be a writer.  Part of me still yearns for this unachieved childhood dream.  My first cheque was a RM5 cheque for a poem I wrote for the magazine 'Her World' when I was 15.  Following that, being a sub-editor of the Class magazine.  All these were in my teens.  In my career life, my writing skills were channeled in writing 'Reports' in the jargon and methods of the financial management world.  There is a book of peoms I wrote in my teens lost somewhere in the baggages of my life.  Somewhere amongst these baggages, exist a half finished novel.  Some of things, I had filed away, to get on with 'Real Life', raising a family, having a career and paying the mortgage. 

'True Fusion' is a means to accomplish some of my forgotten dreams.  My blogs is the vehicle for me to document the events around my life as a caterer and a nonya living in UK, to share my joys, anguish and tribulations.   So, to all fellow bloggers who visit my blogs, 'Welcome'.  I am on my maiden journey as a blogger and hopes to learn soon all the technicalities of making my blog interesting, e.g. with photos, etc.

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